Did you know the state of Florida’s medical marijuana program has FINALLY matured to a point where most Florida residents can see a marijuana doctor, get certified, and be approved by the state the same day! This is a blessing for those who either let their cannabis card lapse unintentionally or for patients new to medical cannabis but would benefit from immediate use.
Who Can Get Started and approved the same day?
The state of Florida requires the completion of two components to purchase medical cannabis – an active recommendation and orders from a certified marijuana doctor along with an approved state application. Your medical marijuana doctor will input your recommendation and individual orders into the OMMU after your visit. This includes what methods of use and the amount you are authorized to purchase each period. If you are a new patient, you will receive a temporary password to log into the state system at: www.mmuregistry.flhealth.gov. You will use your email as the login and the temporary password you received. If you do not remember it, you can click “forgot password” and will be emailed a reset link.
Once logged in, you will click the “My Card” section and then “complete initial application”. If it is time for your renewal, it will say “begin renewal application” After you complete the three main application sections, you can pay the application fee. You will then receive immediate approval if the Florida DMV system can successfully populate and confirm your residency information. If this did not happen due to having a protected license, incorrect information that is on file, or because you are a seasonal resident – you will need to manually attach a copy of your proof of residency (POR), and the approval process can take up to 10 business days.
Who Cannot Purchase Florida Marijuana The Same Day?
If you do not have a Florida Driver’s License or ID Card issued from the state department of motor vehicles, you, unfortunately, do not qualify for same-day purchasing and approval. Although you may be in the state most of the year, the OMMU classifies you as seasonal if you do not have a state license or ID. The only way around this is to obtain one from the Florida DMV and then complete your application or to wait for the state to review and approve the alternative POR documents that you submit. This can take up to 10 business days, unfortunately.
If you do not have active orders in your OMMU profile, you will also not be able to purchase regardless of the approval status on the card. Sometimes patients will see the doctor have their account profile created but no orders entered by the medical marijuana physician’s office. This means that although they went home, completed their application, and had everything approved by the state – they will, unfortunately, arrive at the MMTC and not be able to purchase until this is updated by the office. A good medical cannabis practice will always answer their phones or immediately respond to messages, so don’t leave the dispensary discouraged. This can be corrected in real-time by the provider in almost all cases.
Another group unable to purchase the same day is minors. If you are under 18 years old, you will need to have a parent or guardian register as a caregiver, and the state will need to manually review your POR documents which must include:
- A certified copy of a birth certificate or a current record of registration from a Florida K-12 school; and
- A copy of the minor patient’s parent or legal guardian’s valid Florida driver license or Florida identification card
Since these POR documents do not automate, a standard time frame of up to 10-business days applies.
Get Started With MMJ Today!
If you are looking to start purchasing immediately or as soon as humanly possible for seasonal residents, call or visit your local marijuana doctor today. Compassionate Healthcare of Florida is always available to make your certification process painless and stress-free so that you can start on the road to improved health and decreased reliance on pharmaceuticals today! Visit us online at flmmjhealth.com or call us at 833-633-3665