Our Team

Gregory Braccia, MD

Dr. Gregory Braccia is a board-certified anesthesiologist with fellowship training in pain management.  Dr. Braccia completed his undergraduate medical training at Sidney Kimmel medical college associated with Thomas Jefferson university hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His subsequent residency and fellowship training were completed at Thomas Jefferson university as well.

Most of Dr. Braccia’s clinical experience is in Interventional Pain Management.
Realizing the benefits offered to patients with medically supervised usage of cannabis, Dr. Braccia transitioned his practice to the certification of patients into the Florida medical marijuana program.  Dr. Braccia is also licensed to recommend medical marijuana to residents of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Braccia believes “medically supervised use of marijuana, offers patients, a safer, analgesic/anxiolytic treatment than what is available through the use traditional prescription medication.” Dr. Braccia enjoys living in Naples, is passionate about fitness theater and cooking.

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Ronald Fiscella, M.D.

Dr. Ronald Fiscella is a board-certified Family Physician. He got his B.A. at Hartwick College in 1973 and then continued his education at The University of Heath Sciences /The Chicago Medical School where he graduated in 1976 with his M.D. He had worked in private practice for 30+ years.

After retiring from private practice, Dr. Fiscella decided to take his extensive knowledge and experience and geared it towards helping people improve their life with the benefits of Medical Marijuana. He has been working with the program since 2019 and takes pleasure listening and helping patients with their needs. His motivation for focusing on medicinal cannabis, Dr. Fascilla shares, “The same thing that drove me to family medicine has led me to concentrate on medical marijuana — I want to make a difference. Not everything that improves someone’s life comes from a pill bottle or pharmacy.  We learn more everyday regarding the success and efficacy medical marijuana can offer patients.”

In his free time, Dr. Fiscella enjoys spending time outside, especially when he gets to go shelling. His office is full of beautiful shells he found on Sanibel beach. He also likes to spend time with his wife, five kids and 10 grandchildren.


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